We are reading Hebrew!
A quick note to share with you about the joy of learning together in our Kitah Alef. It is hard to believe December is just around the corner… and we even saw שלג yesterday! so exciting! We have been
OJCS School blog directory
A quick note to share with you about the joy of learning together in our Kitah Alef. It is hard to believe December is just around the corner… and we even saw שלג yesterday! so exciting! We have been
The Grade 3 classes love the daily Hebrew questions they get from Morah Sigal. The questions are based on different countries each day. The students conduct research on iPads, find the countries on the world map and write their findings
This week Grade 6 Hebrew 1 Learned about the Kotel. Each of us wrote notes to put between the Kotel stones ( If we could only go there…) here are some examples:
Good afternoon Hebrew Aleph students, I you didn’t finish your work in class please finish it at home: Continue your slideshow from yesterday ( in each page: word + picture + sentence) with the new vocabulary that we studied today:
Before we put our books on the shelf and start packing for summer camp or for our trips, I want to wish my amazing students a wonderful summer. Take care of yourself, have a good time, and enjoy every moment
The Middle School Hebrew Program includes mainly learning about the Land of Israel. We learn about the history of Israel, geography, lifestyle, culture, and song. We learn about Israel while developing the Hebrew language through all language skills. As a
Mara and Joey created this amazing Hebrew film that they worked on all by themselves. They showed amazing talent and teamwork. Hope you enjoy it as much as my class and I did! כל הכבוד מתתוקות שלי!
Here is a short story written by Meirav Wolfish: סיפור Enjoy!
https://www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-13051.php https://www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-55294.php https://www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-38107.php https://www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-67183.php https://www.francaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-francais-2/exercice-francais-15869.php