Shalom and welcome to the Ottawa Jewish Community School Blogosphere!
With the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, and due to significant and overwhelming feedback from parents, teachers, and students, the OJCS is transitioning away from Google Classroom and launching school-wide class blogs. Our new blogging platform will make it a whole lot easier for parents and students to know what is happening in their classes and for teachers and students to share pictures, videos, examples and reflections of the incredible work they are doing.
“We learn better together” is one our North Stars; school blogs wiill help us expand the concentric circles of “we” to amplify and share the learning.
School Blog Directory (Click the link to see each blog)
Lower School Blogs:
- Kindergarten / Gan
- Grade 1 / Kitah Alef
- Grade 2 / Kitah Bet
- Grade 3 / Kitah Gimmel
- Grade 4 / Kitah Dalet
- Grade 5 / Kitah Hay