Check out the latest posts from around the OJCS Blogosphere…
UkulelesThis post is for the Grade 4B class only. The 4A class will begin their unit on ukuleles in around 2.5 months, when the 4B class is done. Today, I gave out ukuleles to all Grade 4B students. We will be learning the basics on how to play ukulele over the next 2.5 months. Each student was given a ukulele to keep for the duration of their unit, and they are free to take them home to practice. Some students will bring them home today, while others will bring them home later, as there is no homework or practice they need to do just yet....
Innovation Day 2025 Is Coming!Innovation Day 2025 Bionic implants by m.thompson You can also see the full outline for this project here, including periodic due dates, checklists and rubric....
SEMAINE 17- ANNÉE 7- Le Français avec Madame Sylvie
SEMAINE 17 - ANNÉE 8 - Le Français avec Madame Sylvie
Bonnes Vacances!Chers parents, We are pleased to report that the Grade One children are wrapping up this first semester with much accomplished! From solidifying their knowledge of vowels, practicing their French part for the Hanukkah performance, to becoming familiar with Hanukkah terms en français through various writing, reading and hands-on activities, these children have been working hard and are ready for a well-deserved break! Here are a few examples of Grade 1 students in conversation......
Canada Collage by Grade 4 French ExtendedOn the last day of school before the Winter Break, students in Madame Sylvie's Grade 4 French class showed much excitement in assembling their provinces and territories to create a giant map of Canada. Many hours were spent collaborating with a partner to search for information over the past month. Their amazing collage was the last segment to conclude our study of Canada this first term. Stay tuned for upcoming projects on Ancient Civilizations to begin Term 2 in Social Studies.
Beaver Computing Challenge at the OJCS 2024We are always so proud of all of our OJCS students, their interests and motivation to accept challenges when they are presented to them. This year, the OJCS participated in the 2024 Beaver Computing Challenge 2024, that is created and organized through The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo. This marks the 5th consecutive year that OJCS participated in this event. Click here for a previous blog post with more information about the BCC contest and its benefits and connections to learning and computer science....
Reflecting on Our Grade 6 Hebrew 2 Class this TermDear Parents, I’m excited to share some highlights from our Grade 6 Hebrew class this term....
The OJCS Express: Issue 1The OJCS Express: Student Journalism Takes Flight! We are thrilled to announce the launch of The OJCS Express, our new student-run newspaper that truly embodies its motto: "For Students, By Students." This December marks the debut issue of what promises to be an exciting addition to our school's student life. Under the dedicated leadership of student editors, along with a talented team of reporters, creators, and contributors, the newspaper offers a fresh perspective on life at OJCS. From coverage of school events and student government elections to movie reviews and creative corners, the inaugural issue showcases the diverse interests and talents of our student body....
The Miracle of the OilOur Chanukah celebrations in SK took on a Science spin this week as both classes experimented and created with one of the symbols of this chag – oil!! First, we did an experiment with water, oil, and food colouring. Be sure to ask your child if the water and oil mixed together or stayed separate and what happened to the food colouring…. feel free to put their responses in a comment on this post! Then they had the opportunity to craft a Kad Shemen (oil jug) using liquid watercolours, oil, and eyedroppers. Once again, they got to see the magic the oil created. Check out the pictures below for the results of our oil and water experimentation!!...
המצגות שלי - Tehila Shapiroבכיתה שלי עברית בכיתה ח' הצגנו פרויקטים רבים. בתחילת השנה הצגנו פרויקט בשם "הדרך שלי". הפרויקט הזה דיברתי על הדרך שלי...
המטיילים צעיריםברוחים הבאים! זה שיינה! בכיתה הכנו מיני פרויקטים על מטיילים צעירים שנוסעים לישראל. האדם שקיבלתי הוא גיא. הנה הפרויקת שלי:
מי אני? עיתון שיינה!שלום! היום אני אראה לכם את הפרויקט שלי משיעור עברית. זה עיתון עלי All about me, by Shayna
hebrew stuffabout me by daniel. ...
?מה עשינו בעבריתמי אני פרויק ...
מה משמח אותישלום! זה שיינה! בכתה, עשינו פרויקט קתן. זה נקרה מה משמח אותי. הנה הפרויקת קתן: תודה לקרה!...
אניהפרויכתים שלי בעיברית עד אחשב
מי אני
What we learnt in hebrewהיינו צריכים לעשות פרויקט שנקרא "הדרך שלי". שבו תיעדנו איך חשבנו שתראה השנה....
פרויקטים בעבריתבנובמבר בעברית עבדנו על פרויקט על שמורת טבע. אמרו לנו לעשות מצגת ולענות על שאלות. זה היה הפרויקט שלנו:...
Gemara on Chanukah for Dec. 16-20You may follow this link to access the Google doc for the Gemara in tractate Shabbat that talks about Chanukah. We will be reviewing this in class in the final week before the break and the Holiday.
About Meעתון של איתן by ethan.tomlinson
What makes me happy
מה אנכנו עושתי בעבריתשלום! זה אבביקיתי אני אמר מה אני עושה בעברית מה אני אוהבת ...
עיברית-Letter Homeשלום זה אבביקיתי! אנכנו יכול לכותב על המיגדלור שלמו . שלום אמא,אבא סבה וסבתה.המיסה ליראל היא טוב אבל האוכל זה לא טוב.מתי אני הגעתי לישראל אני רוצה לישונ. יש הרבה ילדים המידך היא זה ילד יניב. זה גם מואד חם בירשאל. ....
מכתב לאמא ואבא שלי,שלום אמא ואבא !תודה ששאלת בטיול שלי. זה היה כיף, אבל משעמם. אני נהנה בישראל. אנחנו אוכלים פלאפל ושווארמה. החברים שלי ואני נהנים....
Young travellers project
"Wishing You a Joyful Hanukkah!"Dear Parents and families, I hope you are doing well! As the joyous festival of Hanukkah approaches, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. May this season be filled with light, happiness, and meaningful moments with family and friends. Hanukkah is a wonderful time to celebrate hope, resilience, and the miracles that faith can bring. I hope you enjoy the festive celebrations and create beautiful memories throughout this special time. Wishing you a happy and peaceful Hanukkah! Warm regards,...